Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess | Hype Check

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess | Hype Check

With Capcom’s Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess now only a few days away, we wanted to touch base with some of our team to see how they’re feeling about the game. We’ve seen a range of media up to this point, from gameplay showcases and trailers, we’ve seen the press releases, and heard the talk, but how are we feeling? That’s where we’re bringing Hype Check into the mix; to get a gauge on what the prospective players are thinking. So here’s how we’re feeling about Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.

Jason Hawkins

Kunitsu-Gami Hype Check Jason

This might not have even piqued a blip on my list if not for a preview I read on Engadget. This is an incredibly weird looking game, and it’s such a difficult one to describe, despite what previews have tried to do. The trailers look nonsensical, and even though they are trying to portray some semblance of information, I don’t think they do a great job. Regardless, it’s dripping with style and it’s really weird. Sometimes that’s enough to get me interested, and it has done so here.


Renee O’flynn

Kunitsu reminds me of Okami which I absolutely loved. Unfortunately it seems like strategy is a huge factor in the game which I am not great at. If there’s an easy mode, I might be able to play and enjoy the strange story, otherwise it’ll be a pass from me. I’ll wait until the release to decide. 

Kunitsu-Gami Hype Check Renee

Jess Zammit

Kunitsu-Gami Hype Check Jess

So the first frame of this game trailer featured a huge spider-looking gate, and immediately I realised this game would not be for me. Which is a shame, because the rest of the trailer shows some cool-looking UI, and the designs of the other enemies are more unique than I’ve seen in a while. This looks super weird, and I think a good weird, but probably not the type of weird I’m going to try. 


Rob Caporetto

Reading up on this and I’ll admit, it’s certainly doing something real different – which is always welcome to see. The thing is though: weird can mean that there’s sometimes a barrier of wtf which one might need to overcome to be curious to try it out, and it’s not really done that for me.

Kunitsu-Gami Hype Check Rob

Matt Hewson

Kunitsu-Gami Hype Check Matt

A combo of strategy and action, it looks wild but I worry there is just too much going on for the game to be enjoyable. That said, it has been a long time since Capcom has sent out a dud so I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt here. 


How are you feeling about the rapidly impending launch of Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess!? Let us know on our various social channels!

Time Until Launch (July 19, 2024)


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