PAX AUS Indie Showcase 2024 – Rita

PAX AUS Indie Showcase 2024 - Rita

The PAX AUS Indie Showcase is a chance to see some of the best new and upcoming titles from the ANZ digital and tabletop development scene, with past winners including such celebrated games as Unpacking, Copycat, Yum Cha, Kingless and many more. The 2024 Indie Showcase is shaping up to be another highlight of the event and Player2 encourages visitors to PAX AUS to make their way to the PAX Rising area and check out the following title, as well as the many other excellent indies on display.

Rita is the sophomore release from developer Martin Stradling, aka SporkTank. A Melbourne based solo dev, he spoke to Player2 while honeymooning in Europe and shared with us some of the personal meaning behind his game and the journey he’s taken to make Rita an Indie Showcase success story. 


Player2: Hi Martin! Firstly, can you tell us about the origins of SporkTank – what led you into development, what has inspired you along the way and where did that name come from?!

Martin Stradling: I’ve always been interested in video games, and particularly trying to make them. That was my first introduction to programming as a teenager in the 90s. From there I went to University, worked in the software industry but always felt like video games were calling me back. So a few years ago I took the plunge, trying to improve my skills and release some games along the way. “Spork” was my nickname in highschool and it’s kind of stuck since then. I wanted a studio name that suggested its games would be puzzle-y / thought provoking… SporkTank, like ThinkTank, but less serious and more fun. 

Rita Screenshot 1

P2: It’s always wonderful to hear about the moment a designer found out they were selected for the Indie Showcase – where were you when you got the news and how did it feel to have your efforts recognised?

MS: We were visiting family in Sydney, and the email arrived while I was having breakfast. I literally had to read it three times before it sank in, and then I was in shock for a few days. But overall very grateful and humbled to be involved. I hope I can do the showcase justice with Rita.


P2: Rita has an interesting blend of mechanics and aesthetics – between the tropical vibes which echo aspects of Wind Waker and the mix of platforming and crossword challenges, how the heck did these disparate elements come together in your mind?

MS: The mechanic started with a Gamejam game back in 2022. It did quite well so I knew I wanted to expand on it in the future. Fast-forward to PAX 2023 and I hadn’t touched it. After seeing all the great games in the Showcase and PAX Rising I left with very strong motivation to work on a mechanic which had already been verified. So I just ran with it! As for the aesthetics, I needed to keep it simple as I don’t have many art skills, and everyone likes the Wind Waker look, right?!


P2: It’s like going to an amazing gig and wanting to grab your guitar the minute you get home. What advice would you give anyone who, like yourself, is struck with inspiration and motivation after PAX Aus?

Just go for it! Make a start on anything. But remember that motivation is fleeting and not to rely on it exclusively. Consistency and routine will get you a lot further – 10% motivation, 90% perspiration… something like that…

Rita Screenshot 2

P2: You’ve mentioned previously that the narrative in Rita is inspired by your late grandmother, which I found heartwarming as someone who very much misses their own. Would you feel comfortable sharing more about that aspect of the game?

MS: Oh I’m sorry to hear that, but yes, I think it’s a pretty common bond that a lot of people would have been fortunate enough to experience. Not that I’m specifically trying to leverage any emotions. In summary though, the humour, games, lessons, and memories are a bit of a tribute to our relationship.


P2: Marketing and visibility often seems to be something many indie devs struggle with – what do you think are the biggest hurdles to overcome in this area?

MS: It’s all difficult in my eyes. Unlike implementing a feature in your game, there is a definite path on how to do it and you are pretty much in full control. Whereas marketing is much more out of your control, you might do all the steps someone instructs you to and still have no success. It’s like throwing darts at a dart board and not knowing where to aim, and in my case not knowing how to even throw the darts! Or own any darts!


P2: With just under a year of development time thus far, how hard has it been to maintain focus on Rita as a solo developer and scope and scale things effectively?

MS: Surprisingly my focus has been pretty good on this project! It’s hard to find the time to make progress on development, as well as attempt to do marketing (of which I’m very grateful for this opportunity!). As for scope, yep, that’s always a tough one to keep in check. I probably have 90+% of the systems/mechanics implemented, so I’m just focusing on content at the moment – and that is also pretty well scoped as I have a clear story I want to tell.

Rita Screenshot 3

P2: What can PAX AUS 2024 attendees look forward to at the Rita booth?

MS: First and foremost, the game will be playable on two big screens! The booth background art (drawn by my cousin) is just fantastic, and very vibrant. It’s worth coming just to see that alone. I’ll also be there – please say Hi, I’m friendly! I’m also hoping to have some merch/handouts, and some special PAX-only puzzles (if you’re into that kind of thing). As well as some adorable 3d-printed Ritas, one of which has been following me around at the moment!


P2: Finally, is there any information you can share about the release window for Rita?

MS: I’m aiming for 6 months after PAX, but you know how it goes!


PAX AUS Attendees can find the Rita booth in the PAX AUS Indie Showcase section of PAX AUS from October 10-13. Rita can also be Wishlisted on Steam right now!

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